Transform Your Relationship With Your ADHD!

  • What if you could harness the power of your focus? 
  • What would it feel like to overcome barriers and stop feeling broken?
  • What if you could live life YOUR way?

Any of this sound familiar?

Overwhelmed? There's another option?

Does everything seem important and you don't  know where to start?? Do you find your to do list expanding faster than you can get them checked off.  Do you find that you have things like 'pay bills' and 'organize spice cabinet' on the same list?

Motivation? Umm... sometimes

Does this sound familiar... you know you need to, for example, write that report for work.  You have known that it was due on the bosses desk tomorrow for weeks but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it.... until the last minute and now you are scrambling

Busy as hell... but what did I do?

Do you find that you are amazingly busy all day and pretty tired at the end of it... but when you look back at the end of the day, you feel like you have nothing to show for it. In fact, you may not even remember what you actually did other than you were super busy.


Do you feel like you have a degree in putting off the things you don't like very much?  You think about getting that onerous report for your boss done early but you either talk your self out of it or... suddenly, cleaning your spice cabinet sounds like the best idea ever!

Focused in one area... a mess in another

It's super confusing. You can focus, follow through, and organize in one area but in another area you're a total mess. I am guessing that this issue has been used against you in the past. Have you ever heard something similar to, “you can pay attention to your video games, why can't you pay attention in math?”

Perfectionist much?

Have you ever not answered an e-mail or a text because you couldn't answer it “just right?” You say to yourself, “Oh, I'll do it later when I can really answer it!” But then, the memory of it vanishes into the eithers and by the time you remember it, you're so embarrassed that it has been so long, you avoid it again!

WELCOME!  You're among friends!
You are NOT broken, and you are NOT alone!

Roger DeWitt


My name is Roger DeWitt and I am a Master Certified ADHD Coach.  These are the kinds of things I hear from almost all of my clients.

They often show up feeling like they are broken. All the ADHD weaknesses feel like great big character flaws.  They think that if they just had the “right” system, they would be “fixed.” They have read (parts) of all those systems and strategies books but unfortunately, IF those strategies work at all, most stop working sooner or later – probably sooner. So they pick themselves up and start again with something new.

But here's the truth, they don’t really need a new system or hack. What they really need is to understand and work with their ADHD and rather than against it.  They need to stop trying to do it the way they think everyone else does it and WORK WITH THEIR BRAIN WIRING!

That's what I do. I am passionate about supporting you to discover your unique ways of working so you can harness the power of your ADHD rather than feel imprisoned by it.

How does coaching work?


We meet on a regular basis (usually 2 or 3x per month) and have meaningful conversations about the problems you are facing, what you really, really want, and what is getting in the way of doing, being, or having that.


Through those conversations, we learn about your ADHD, where it gets in the way, and where it could be an asset.


We focus on building on your strengths while co-creating strategies and plans to achieve your goals and mitigate your weaknesses.


We have fun in the process!!!

So, what do I do next?

  1. 1
    Reach out in the form below to learn more about coaching or to apply to become a client.  Make sure you tell me a little bit about what is bringing you to coaching. 
  2. 2
    If I have space for new clients, we will schedule a “quick chat” appointment to see if we might be a good match. Just like you need to know if I’m the right coach for you, I need to know if I'm going to do my best work with you.
  3. 3
    If we are a match, we will decide if one-on-one coaching or group coaching is the best fit for you and your budget.
what our customers are saying


Henry Farnam

I've gained so much from working with Roger. Having struggled with ADHD my entire life (but not officially diagnosed until I was in my 30's), I had never really addressed how to best work with my unique brain chemistry. Years of teachers and mentors who didn't understand the ADHD brain had their toll, and so when I began working with Roger, I had to completely rediscover what was truly wonderful about being a person with ADHD. No longer did I feel like I'd been saddled with a brain processing disorder that made my life challenging. Instead, I found how simple shifts in my thinking and my approach could help me to harness the prolific creativity that I've built my life and career upon. 

Henry Farnam

Screenwriter, Producer


Shimon Smith

I cannot speak highly enough of Roger as my ADHD coach. He is truly a gift to anyone struggling with their ADHD. From the moment we began working together, I felt seen, heard, and understood. Roger has a rare ability to help you discover your strengths and unique abilities.

Under his guidance, I have not only learned to better manage my ADHD, but I have also discovered my own superpowers and how to leverage them to achieve my goals. He has given me a newfound sense of confidence and empowerment that has allowed me to take on new challenges and succeed in areas where I previously felt stuck.

Shimon Smith

Romemu Music Director and Family Engagement Coordinator, NYC


Dino Palazzi

I just wanted you to know how grateful I am for your expert and compassionate coaching. How lucky I was to land a spot in your "coach-an-artist' experiment, and at such a challenging crossroads in my ongoing Quest for Utopia.

Beyond helping me see my own present and path more clearly, your keen awareness and excellent questions helped unlock fresh insights (and pages of notes!) that have already found their way into my outlandish plans for paradise! Regardless of outcomes, you've made these days, this summer, more heavenly for me and mine through your generous gifts of presence, intellect, humor, and loving kindness.

Dino Palazzi

Musician, artist, teacher, host, writer, father, utopian, instrument of peace. Inventor of EUPHORIUM - Quest for Utopia!

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